Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
von Cherny, Boris
39,99 €
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Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale von Cherny, Boris im Online-Buchhandel:
Programming TypeScript
16,94 €
gefunden bei Studibuch Shop DE
Any programmer working with a dynamically typed language will tell you how hard it is to scale to more...
Any programmer working with a dynamically typed language will tell you how hard it is to scale to more lines of code and more engineers. That's why Facebook, Google, and Microsoft invented gradual static type layers for their dynamically typed JavaScript and Python code. This practical book shows you how one such type layer, TypeScript, is unique among them: it makes programming fun with its powerful static type system. If you're a programmer with intermediate JavaScript experience, author Boris Cherny will teach you how to master the TypeScript language. You'll understand how TypeScript can help you eliminate bugs in your code and enable you to scale your code across more engineers than you could before. In this book, you'll: Start with the basics: Learn about TypeScript's different types and type operators, including what they're for and how they're used. Explore advanced topics: Understand TypeScript's sophisticated type system, including how to safely handle errors and build asynchronous programs. Dive in hands-on: Use TypeScript with your favorite frontend and backend frameworks, migrate your existing JavaScript project to TypeScript, and run your TypeScript application in production. von Cherny, Boris
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Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
von Cherny, Boris
39,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
Einband: Taschenbuch, Seitenzahl: 302 Seiten
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Amazon Marketplace
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