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Sachbücher SachbücherBeliebte Autoren
- Häufigste Autoren:
- Desmond, William
- Gorton, William A.
- Griffin, David Ray
- Hall, David L.
- Joyce, Joyce A.
- Keiji, Nishitani
- Kerszberg, Pierre
- Laguerre, Michel S.
- Lawrence, David Peter
- Liberman, Kenneth
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State University of New York Press
SachbücherWichtige Verlage
- Häufigste Verlage:
- 1st Book Library
- A and C Black Publishing
- Aakar Books
- Abacus
- Abingdon Press
- Academic Studies Press
- Adamant Media Corporation
- Adams Media
- Advanced Analytics, LLC
- Africa Research & Publications
- State University of New York Press
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1AAakar BooksA and C Black PublishingAbacusAbingdon PressAcademic Studies PressAdamant Media CorporationAdams MediaAdvanced Analytics, LLCAfrica Research & PublicationsAlgora PublishingAlianzaAlianza EditorialAllison & BusbyAltamira PressAmberley PublishingAnchor BooksAnthem PressAnthony Publishing CompanyApril Avenue MusicArktos Media LtdArrowArsenal Pulp PressAtlantic BooksAtria BooksAtria Books/Beyond WordsAuthorhouseAutism Asperger Publishing CompanyAutonomediaAvaloniaAveryBBack Bay BooksBallantine BooksBallantine GroupBantamBantam ClassicsBantam PressBasic BooksBeacon PressBear & CompanyBelknap PressBelles LettresBerghahn BooksBerkleyBetter Today PublishingBirmingham Free Press, TheBloomsburyBloomsbury AcademicBloomsbury Publishing PlcBlue Sky PublishingBlue Snake BooksBodley HeadBooks on Demand GmbhBook TreeBrand: Acumen PublishingBrand: Altamira PressBrand: Arktos Media LtdBrand: Hackett Pub CoBrand: Hackett Pub Co IncBrand: Inner City BooksBrand: Maverick HouseBrand: Open University PressBrand: Royal Society of ChemistryBrand: TAT FoundationBrigham Young University PressBristol Classical PressBroken Branch ProductionsBrookes Publishing CompanyBrookings Inst. 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Sachbücher von State University of New York Press
Whitehead's Radically Different Postmodern Philosophy: An Argument for Its Contemporary Relevance (S U N Y Series in Philosophy): An Argument for Its Contemporary Relevence
30,98 €
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Neoplatonism and Christian Thought (Studies in Neoplatonism: Ancient & Modern) (Studies in Neoplatonism: Ancient and Modern, Volume 3)
30,98 €
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Beyond Hegel and Dialectic: Speculation, Cult, and Comedy (Suny Series in Hegelian Studies)
von Desmond, William
30,98 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 380 Seiten
Zum Shop
Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on Sacred Ground (Suny Series, Radical Social & Political Theory) (S U N Y SERIES IN RADICAL SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THEORY)
30,98 €
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Zum Shop
The Grounding of Positive Philosophy: The Berlin Lectures (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Suny Series in Hegelian Studies)
30,06 €
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The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism (Suny Series in Modern Japanese Philosophy) (Modern Japanese Philosophy Series)
von Keiji, Nishitani
30,98 €
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Karl Popper And the Social Sciences (Suny Series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences)
29,15 €
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More Studies in Ethnomethodology (SUNY series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences)
30,06 €
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Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extension and Solidarity (SUNY Series in Philosophy)
von Nobo, Jorge Luis
31,89 €
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The Teachings of the Odd-eyed One: A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, With the Commentary of Vidyacakravartin (Suny series in Hindu Studies) (SUNY Series Hindu Studies)
30,06 €
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Critique and Totality (S U N Y Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
30,06 €
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Critical Urban Studies: New Directions
30,06 €
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The Animal and the Daemon in Early China (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
von Sterckx, Roel
33,14 €
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Global Neighborhoods: Jewish Quarters in Paris, London, and Berlin
30,06 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 300 Seiten
Zum Shop
The Time of Life: Heidegger and Ethos (SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
von McNeill, William
30,06 €
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Structural Depths of Indian Thought (SUNY Series in Philosophy)
von Raju, P. T.
34,63 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 632 Seiten
Zum Shop
Thinking Through Confucius (Suny Series in Systematic Philosophy)
von Hall, David L.
30,98 €
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Black Studies as Human Studies: Critical Essays and Interviews (SUNY series, INTERRUPTIONS: Border Testimony(ies) and Critical Discourse/s)
von Joyce, Joyce A.
29,15 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 194 Seiten
Zum Shop