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Stanford University Press
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AAdamant Media CorporationAlianza EditorialAnthony Publishing CompanyArktos Media LtdAtria Books/Beyond WordsAuthorhouseAutonomediaBBack Bay BooksBallantine GroupBeacon PressBelknap PressBelles LettresBetter Today PublishingBirmingham Free Press, TheBloomsburyBloomsbury Publishing PlcBlue Snake BooksBodley HeadBooks on Demand GmbhBook TreeBrand: Acumen PublishingBrand: Hackett Pub CoBrand: Hackett Pub Co IncBrand: Inner City BooksBrand: Open University PressBrand: TAT FoundationBrigham Young University PressBrookings Inst. Press/World Peace Fdn.CCambridge University PressCapstoneCatholic University of America PressCengage LearningColumbia University PressContinuumContra CorrenteCornell University PressCreatespaceCreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformCultures Direct PressDEFFaber & FaberFarrar, Straus and GirouxFeltrinelliFfnFlamingoFlammarionFolioFontana PressFordham University PressForgotten BooksFoundation for Critical ThinkingFree PressGHHackettHackett Publishing Co, IncHackett Publishing Company IncHarmony BooksHarperCollinsHarperOneHarper PerennialHarvard University PressHeadline ReviewHill & WangHohm PressIIcon BooksIcon Books LtdImprint AcademicimustiIndiana University PressIngramcontentIntegral PublishersInvictus BooksItalica PressiUniverseJKLMM.A. CenterMacmillanMarinerMcGill-Queen's University PressMichael O'Mara BooksMimesisMIT PressMotilal Banarsidass PublicationsNOOdile JacobOmniscriptumOneworld PublicationsOpen CourtOup USAOxford University Press, U.S.A.Oxford University PressOzark Mountain PublishingPParam MediaPenguinPenn State University PressPeter Lang Inc., International Academic PublishersPiatkusPilgrims PublishingPimlicoPluto Press (UK)PolityPrinceton University PressProgressive PressPrometheus BooksRSSarada Ma PublishingSchockenScribner Book CompanyShambhala PublicationsShollond TrustSimon & SchusterSky's Edge PublishingSnow LionSoHo BooksSophia Perennis Et UniversalisSpckSpringerSt. Augustine's PressStanford University PressState University of New York PressTUUniversal Shaiva FellowshipUniversity of California PressUniversity of Chicago PressUniversity of Georgia PressUniversity of Hawaii PressUniversity of Nebraska PressVWW. W. Norton & CompanyWeatherhillWiley & SonsWileyWiley-BlackwellWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing CompanyWipf & Stock PublishersWisdom PublicationsWorthXY
Philosophie von Stanford University Press
The Present Alone Is Our Happiness: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson (Cultlural Memory in the Present)
von Hadot, Pierre
26,00 €
gefunden bei Amazon
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Thinking Through Animals: Identity, Difference, Indistinction
von Calarco, Matthew
13,70 €
gefunden bei Amazon
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Ethical Know-How: Action, Wisdom, and Cognition (Writing Science)
17,50 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 96 Seiten
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