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Eat the Bible: Food, Metaphor, and the Nature of Scripture
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Christocentric Preaching Meets the Historical Jesus: A Critical Analysis of Christology in N.T. Wright and Wolfhart Pannenberg: Implications for a Christocentric Homiletic
von Duffield, Devon
47,80 €
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The Devil, Demons, Judas, and "the Jews": Opponents of Christ in the Gospels
50,29 €
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YHWH in the Wind(s): His Creation, Destruction, and Restoration Drama
52,43 €
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The Figure of Jesus in History and Theology: Essays in Honor of John Meier (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints, Band 1)
33,99 €
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The Lord's Work: A History of the Catholic Apostolic Church
von Grass, Tim
46,73 €
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Trinitarian Pneumatological Personhood and the Theology of John Zizioulas
41,99 €
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Redeeming Masculinity: A Catholic Theology of Masculinity
von Holmes, Peter D.
53,55 €
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The Pastor as Friend?: Understanding Dynamics of Friendship and Friendliness Within a Pastoral Ministry
von Holder, Dan
34,75 €
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Speaking in Tongues: A Critical Historical Examination, Volume 2: Tongues through Church History
29,97 €
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Liang A-Fa: China's First Preacher, 1789-1855 (Studies in Chinese Christianity)
24,99 €
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The Supernatural and the Circuit Riders: The Rise of Early American Methodism
von Xhemajli, Rimi
48,15 €
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Theologies of Liberation in Palestine-Israel: Indigenous, Contextual, and Postcolonial Perspectives (Postmodern Ethics, Band 4)
28,84 €
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Biblical Hermeneutics in the Metamodern Mood: Understanding Differences in Interpretation and Theological Integration in Practice
41,99 €
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A Greater Freedom: Biotechnology, Love, and Human Destiny in Dialogue with Hans Jonas and Jurgen Habermas
26,99 €
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Heidegger's Being and Time and Kierkegaard's The Sickness Unto Death as Hermeneutic to Paul's Epistles
33,17 €
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Social Catholicism for the Twenty-First Century?-Volume 1: Historical Perspectives and Constitutional Democracy in Peril
48,99 €
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A Belief in Humanity: The Untold Story of Conciliar Humanism
73,85 €
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Empowered Voices: Scandinavian Women in Early Pentecostalism
36,99 €
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Conservative in Theology, Liberal in Spirit: Modernism and the American Presbyterian Mission in Thailand, 1891-1941 (American Society of Missiology Monograph Series, Band 69)
von Dahlfred, Karl
41,73 €
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John and Anti-Judaism: Reading the Gospel in Light of Greco-Roman Culture (McMaster Biblical Studies Series, Band 7)
von Numada, Jonathan
36,99 €
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Political Theology of Life
36,99 €
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Theologizing in Black: On Africana Theological Ethics and Anthropology
37,99 €
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Lament-Driven Preaching: Proclaiming Hope amid Suffering
35,99 €
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An Introduction to Colonial African-American Evangelical Theology: Colonial Identities, Sense of Belonging, and Shared Space
von May, Cory J
57,45 €
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From Historical to Critical Post-Colonial Theology: The Contribution of John S. Mbiti and Jesse N. K. Mugambi (African Christian Studies, Band 9)
39,99 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 278 Seiten
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Kinship Relations in the Gospel of John (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, Band 42)
36,15 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 264 Seiten
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Constantine Revisited: Leithart, Yoder, and the Constantinian Debate
28,99 €
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Descending on Humanity and Intervening in History: Notes from the Pulpit Ministry of P. T. Forsyth
von Forsyth, P. T.
45,99 €
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Reframing Christian Education for a Global Generation (Horizons in Religious Education)
von Hwang, Heesung
41,25 €
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Manifesting the Primal Imagination: The Primal Spirituality of Black American Christian Faith (African Christian Studies)
55,75 €
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Contextual Theology for the Twenty-First Century (Missional Church, Public Theology, World Christianity)
26,75 €
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Digital Togetherness in the Middle East and North Africa: Deepening Relationships with Young Adults for Adventist Mission (American Society of Missiology Monograph Series, Band 73)
von Chung, ChanMin
29,96 €
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Putting the Pieces Together: Formalizing Units and Structures in the Biblical Languages (McMaster New Testament Studies, Band 11)
53,55 €
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Lift Up Your Heads: Nonverbal Communication and Related Body Imagery in the Bible
von Davies, John A.
33,17 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 212 Seiten
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Sei Solo: Symbolum?: The Theology of J. S. Bach's Solo Violin Works
von Shute, Benjamin
36,99 €
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Revising Pentecostal History: Scandinavian-American Contributions to the Development of Pentecostalism
70,80 €
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Reclaiming Men's Spirituality: Spiritual Direction of Men through the Lens of Saint John of the Cross
36,99 €
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The Love of God Holds Creation Together: Andrew Fuller's Theology of Virtue (Monographs in Baptist History, Band 7)
22,47 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 116 Seiten
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See My Body, See Me: A Pentecostal Perspective on Healing from Sexual Violence
54,90 €
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An Introduction to Colonial African-American Evangelical Theology: Colonial Identities, Sense of Belonging, and Shared Space
von May, Cory J.
36,38 €
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