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Kunst & Fotografie von Penguin

Rock Art!: Painting on Rocks, Stones and Pebbles
von Scicluna, Denise
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12,45 €
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Alla Prima: A Contemporary Guide to Traditional Direct Painting
von Gury, Al
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Artist Within: A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit
von Ferre, Whitney
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Blade: King of Graffiti
von Blade
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Medieval Wall Paintings in English & Welsh Churches
von Rosewell, Roger
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In Time O' Strife (Modern Plays)
von Corrie, Joe
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How to Get Your Cat to Do What You Want
von Eckstein, Warren
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Beyond Words: Movement Observation and Analysis
von Yamamoto, Kaoru
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The Amen Corner: A Play (Vintage International)
von Baldwin, James
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A Director Prepares: Seven Essays on Art and Theatre
von Bogart, Anne
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53,60 €
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Men: A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth Century Sources (Dover Pictorial Archive Series)
von Harter, Mim
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Computers & Typesetting, Volume C: The Metafont Book (Computers and Typesetting, C)
von Knuth, Donald E.
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Bias-Cut Dressmaking: A Step-By-Step Introduction
von Holman, Gillian
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Russian Textiles: Printed Cloth for the Bazaars of Central Asia
von Meller, Susan
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Marketing Fashion, Second edition: Strategy, Branding and Promotion
von Posner, Harriet
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Creating the 20th Century: 100 Artists, Writers and Thinkers
von Manguel, Alberto
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Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
von Menzel, Peter
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Saving Cinema: The Politics of Preservation
von Frick, Caroline
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Mary Ellen Mark on the Portrait and the Moment: The Photography Workshop Series
von Mark, Mary Ellen
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Fine Art Wedding Photography: How to Capture Images with Style for the Modern Bride
von Villa, Jose
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The Civil Contract of Photography (Zone Books)
von Azoulay, Ariella
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Art Since 1989 (World of Art)
von Grovier, Kelly
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Great Showdowns: The Revenge
von Campbell, Scott
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Imagery of Chess: Revisited
von List, Larry
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In Montmartre: Picasso, Matisse and Modernism in Paris, 1900-1910
von Roe, Sue
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Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics
von G.W.F. Hegel
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Imaginary Characters: Mixed-Media Painting Techniques for Figures and Faces
von O'Brien, Karen
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Turner - A Life: The Life of Britain's Greatest Painter
von Hamilton, James
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The Alchemy of Paint: Art, Science and Secrets from the Middle Ages
von Bucklow, Spike
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Expressive Painting in Mixed Media
von French, Soraya
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A Garden of Birds: Paint It Simply Concept Lessons
von Jansen, David
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Painting and Understanding Abstract Art
von Lowry, John
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Robert Indiana and the Star of Hope (Elgar Research Handbooks in Law and Politics series)
von Wilmerding, John
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How to Visit an Art Museum: Tips for a Truly Rewarding Visit
von Idema, Johan
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Peggy Guggenheim: Mistress of Modernism
von Dearborn, Mary
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Vatican: All the Paintings: The Complete Collection of Old Masters, Plus More than 300 Sculptures, Maps, Tapestries, and other Artifacts
von Grebe, Anja
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Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
von Gombrich, Leonie
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14,90 €
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How to Visit an Art Museum: Tips for a Truly Rewarding Visit
von Idema, Johan
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The Penguin Dictionary of Art and Artists (Dictionary, Penguin)
von Murray, Linda
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The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College
von Diaz, Eva
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The Tate Guide to Modern Art Terms: Updated & Expanded Edition
von Wilson, Simon
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The Claude Glass: Use and Meaning of the Black Mirror in Western Art (Zone Books)
von Maillet, Arnaud
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Faith, Hope and Poetry: Theology and the Poetic Imagination (Ashgate Studies in Theology, Imagination and the Arts)
von Guite, Malcolm
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William Blake's Divine Comedy Illustrations: 102 Full-color Plates (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)
von Blake, William
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19,54 €
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Making Sense of Islamic Art & Architecture
von Barkman, Adam
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The Effluents of Deity: Alchemy and Psychoactive Sacraments in Medieval and Renaissance Art
von Ruck, Carl A. P.
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59,12 €
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Spiritual Light: The Stained Glass of Marc Chagall in Pocantico Hills, New York and Tudeley, Kent
von Richards, Martha
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Art Since 1989 (World of Art)
von Grovier, Kelly
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16,13 €
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In Montmartre: Picasso, Matisse and Modernism in Paris, 1900-1910
von Roe, Sue
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14,99 €
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King, E: M to M of M/M (Paris)
von King, Emily
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Medusa: Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon
von Wilk, Stephen R
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Art Since 1960: World of Art Series
von Archer, Michael
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The Spirit of Venice: From Marco Polo to Casanova
von Strathern, Paul
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Learning About the World Through Modeling: Sculptural Ideas for School and Home
von Auer, Arthur
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A Royal Menagerie: Meissen Porcelain Animals (Getty Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum)
von Wittwer, Samuel
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The Meroe Head of Augustus: British Museum Objects in Focus
von Opper, Thorsten
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6,50 €
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Carving Deer: Patterns and Reference for Realistic Woodcarving
von Hajny, Desiree
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13,00 €
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The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art
von Ataç, Mehmet-Ali
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Advanced Mouldmaking and Casting
von Brooks, Nick
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Draw 50 Baby Animals: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Kittens, Lambs, Chicks, Puppies, and Other Adorable Offspring
von Ames, Lee J.
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9,99 €
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Draw 50 Cats: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Domestic Breeds, Wild Cats, Cuddly Kittens, and Famous Felines
von Ames, Lee J.
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9,00 €
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St. Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible
von Sicardo, Joseph
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10,06 €
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Dynamic Light and Shade
von Hogarth, Burne
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23,62 €
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Draw 50 Dogs: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Beagles, German Shepherds, Collies, Golden Retrievers, Yorkies, Pugs, Malamutes, and Many More...
von Ames, Lee J.
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9,00 €
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Coloring for Grown-Ups: The Adult Activity Book
von Hunter, Ryan
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12,57 €
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The Drawings: Seventy Works: 70 Works (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)
von Mucha, Alphonse
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15,00 €
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