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Bücher von Horse's Mouth

Mary Elizabeth Braddon - The Golden Calf
16,24 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 299 Seiten
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J S Fletcher - The Short Stories: ''The Death That Lurks Unseen''
11,84 €
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Robert W Chambers - The Slayer of Souls: ''Nothing really can harm the human soul''
12,85 €
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Robert W Chambers - The Firing Line: "Haven't you played tag with Death sufficiently for one day?"
14,83 €
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Rudyard Kipling - The Light That Failed: 'We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse''
von Kipling, Rudyard
10,24 €
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Robert W Chambers - In Search of the Unknown: 'Because it all seems so improbable''
12,81 €
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Mrs Henry Wood - It May Be True: 'There never was a passion, so fantastic, so delusive, so powerful as jealousy''
von Wood, Mrs Henry
16,24 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 311 Seiten
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Robert W Chambers - The Laughing Girl: "There's more romance, more excitement, more mystery…."
11,86 €
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Guy Boothby - A Bid for Fortune or, Dr Nikola's Vendetta: ''It's really the most extraordinary affair''
von Boothby, Guy
11,49 €
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Guy Boothby - Dr Nikola or, Dr Nikola Returns: ''I have no doubt as to your surprise''
von Boothby, Guy
11,49 €
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Herman Melville - I and My Chimney: “I am, as I am; whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge”
von Melville, Herman
10,24 €
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Herman Melville - The Confidence Man: "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation"
von Melville, Herman
12,24 €
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Robert W Chambers - The Business of Life: 'Nobody would believe the truth—-after this''
14,83 €
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Elinor Glyn - Beyond the Rocks: "A pretty tough, dull affair marriage"
von Glyn, Elinor
13,59 €
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Elinor Glynn - The Man and the Moment: "How the hell can I keep from marrying her!"
von Glynn, Elinor
14,55 €
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Edith Nesbit - The Magic City: ''Pip drew the most desperate and harrowing conclusions''
von Nesbit, Edith
12,69 €
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John Galsworthy - The Country House: “One can’t hunt on next to nothing!”
von Galsworthy, John
10,42 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 172 Seiten
Zum Shop

Elinor Glyn - Man and Maid: ''I am sick of my life''
von Glyn, Elinor
13,59 €
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William Makepeace Thackeray - The Virginians: “it is the ordinary lot of people to have no friends if they themselves care for nobody”
24,25 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 564 Seiten
Zum Shop

J S Fletcher - The Orange-Yellow Diamond: 'And if you ever want to sell, don't forget me''
11,82 €
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J S Fletcher - Timeworn Town: ''He might have been all sorts of insignificant things''
von Fletcher, J S
11,83 €
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Edith Nesbit - The Story of the Amulet: ''There were once four children….''
von Nesbit, Edith
12,72 €
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Robert W Chambers - The Crimson Tide: 'I wish to see women who are about to go into battle''
13,84 €
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Elinor Glynn - Three Weeks: ''Now this is an episode in a young man's life''
von Glynn, Elinor
13,58 €
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Elinor Glyn - The Reason Why: ''Only the question is—for how long?''
von Glyn, Elinor
14,41 €
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Zum Shop

J S Fletcher - The Secret of the Quarry: "He had no objection whatever to crookedness''
11,83 €
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Zum Shop

Guy Boothby - Dr Nikola's Experiment: ''In due course I entered a hospital''
von Boothby, Guy
9,57 €
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Lush Animals and Flowers: Coloring Book for Adults, Women, Men, Teens. A fun and relaxing way to connect with nature and find your inner bliss.
von Lennix, Lex
6,90 €
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Edward Bulwer-Lytton - A Strange Story: "Dream manfully and nobly, and thy dreams shall be prophets"
13,10 €
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Samuel Butler - The Way of All Flesh: "Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both"
von Butler, Samuel
9,89 €
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J S Fletcher - The Markenmore Mystery: “God bless my life and soul!”
11,82 €
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Robert W Chambers - The Little Red Foot: "The dead man lay in his own chamber''
14,83 €
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Edward Bulwer-Lytton - Rienzi: The Last of the Roman Tribunes
13,10 €
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Einband: Taschenbuch
Seitenzahl: 330 Seiten
Zum Shop

Guy Boothby - Farewell, Nikola!: ''Venice, the silent and mysterious''
von Boothby, Guy
9,57 €
gefunden bei Amazon
Zum Shop

Guy Boothby - The Beautiful White Devil: ''Half a dozen other voices took up the chorus''
von Boothby, Guy
11,48 €
gefunden bei Amazon
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Edith Nesbit - The Enchanted Castle: "Suppose we write a book"
von Nesbit, Edith
12,69 €
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Wilkie Collins - The Frozen Deep: “I am a bundle of nerves dressed up to look like a man!”
von Collins, Wilkie
9,24 €
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Guy Boothby - Pharos, the Egyptian: ''What, then, can your business be with me?''
von Boothby, Guy
11,53 €
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Dogs Go Wild On Wheels: A Coloring Book for Adults, Teens, Kids and Seniors: Fun, Easy, Humorous.
von Lennix, Lex
6,90 €
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Zum Shop

Robert W Chambers - The Moonlit Way: "Night veiled the squalour and its filth, its meanness''
14,87 €
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Zum Shop

Guy Boothby - The Lust of Hate: ''Ill luck pursued me''
von Boothby, Guy
11,49 €
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Mrs Henry Wood - The Master of Greylands: 'We are truly indefatigable in providing for the needs of the body, but we starve the soul''
von Wood, Mrs Henry
17,24 €
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J S Fletcher - The Middle Temple Murder: 'Likewise, he thinks he’s murdered''
11,82 €
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Maria Edgeworth - Harrington: 'How success changes the opinion of men!''
von Edgeworth, Maria
11,25 €
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Maria Edgeworth - Castle Rackrent: 'The human heart, at whatever age, opens to the heart that opens in return''
von Edgeworth, Maira
10,24 €
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Edith Nesbit - Five Children and It: ''There were no rules''
von Nesbit, Edith
11,76 €
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Daniel Defoe - Memoirs of a Cavalier: “If God much strong, much might, as the devil, why God not kill the devil, so make him no more wicked?”
von Defoe, Daniel
10,24 €
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Elinor Glynn - Halcyone: ''Because a woman with a soul suffers''
von Glynn, Elinor
14,55 €
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Robert W Chambers - Who Goes There: ''The firing squad shouldered rifles''
11,86 €
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Robert W Chambers - The Dark Star: 'Engulfed in the earthquake of the ages''
15,81 €
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Edith Nesbit - The Story of the Treasure Seekers: ''Out with it―what's the other idea?''
von Nesbit, Edith
12,72 €
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Edith Nesbit - The Phoenix and the Carpet: ''Look at it! Look! Look! Look!''
von Nesbit, Edith
12,72 €
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Edith Nesbit - The Wouldbegoods: "Being the Further Adventures of the Treasure Seekers"
von Nesbit, Edith
12,72 €
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