Need some more graded material to practise sight-singing for your ABRSM Grade 1-5 singing exam? Not sure what to expect in the test in the exam itself? This ABRSM Specimen Sight-Singing Tests Grades 1-5 book is full of example tests to get your sight-singing up to scratch! Perfect preparation for your ABRSM Grade 1-5 singing exam Sight-singing is always hard to practise and preparing for your exam can be a challenge but doing the example tests in this ABRSM Specimen Sight-Singing Tests Grades 1-5 book will give you confidence for your ABRSM singing exam so you know exactly what to expect. The ABRSM Specimen Sight-Singing Tests Grades 1-5 book contains 9 specimen tests for each grade 1-3 and 8 tests for grades 4 and 5. The specimen sight-reading tests are short pieces only 4 bars (grades 1-3) or 8 bars long (grades 4-5) written in line with all the sight-singing requirements for each grade. Each song has a stave diagram showing you the range of the song
Specimen Sight-Singing Tests, Grades 1-5 (ABRSM Sight-reading) von ABRSM im Online-Buchhandel:
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